The Editor

Green Around the Gills? The State of Sustainable Schools Policy

This government pledged to be the ‘greenest government ever’ but does their lack of a coordinated approach mean that they are failing sustainable schools?     Sustainability has been a hot topic for…

Study highlights benefits and pitfalls of ‘sponsored chain’ academies

Chains of academies are becoming increasingly important players and a significant feature of the education landscape in England, according to a new in-depth study published today by the National College for School Leadership….

Ofsted asked to discourage GCSE early entry – a “damaging trend harming interests of many pupils”

Education Secretary Michael Gove today warns of the dangers of entering pupils early for GCSEs before they are ready. Mr Gove has written to the chief inspector at Ofsted, Sir Michael Wilshaw, to…

Catering for a Greener Future

Amy Teichman is the Group Development Chef for Alliance in Partnership’s Kensington and Chelsea contracts. Here, she talks about sustainability and environmental issues. With healthy living and environmental issues increasingly entering the public…

Money Matters – Are we doing enough to ensure that our future generations can cope in this ever complex financial world?

Last month over 120 MPs backed a move to teach financial education in schools. With student debts set to rise and people being forced to take greater control of their finances, the need to…

Tripping up – Are health & safety concerns and logistical red tape making school trips untenable

School Trips have clear social and educational benefits for pupils. But are health and safety concerns and logistical red tape making them untenable asks Helen Gordon. Despite the fact that ninety-nine percent of…

Leading the way

Schools have the potential to play a major role in preparing children and young people to live sustainable lives. They can help pupils learn about waste management, such as recycling, and carbon emissions,…

All about Academies

Many schools are currently considering the implications of becoming an academy. We look at what being an academy means, as well as highlighting some of the key issues to consider. We also talk…

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