
Smile for the Camera – Does CCTV in school provide peace of mind or an unwelcome intrusion?

School security is a hot topic for school leaders, but are CCTV cameras keeping students and teachers safe or raising pupils in a climate of fear? The UK has witnessed a massive expansion…

Ten Top Tips for Modernising your Catering

We’ve all been told many times of the importance of a good, well balanced diet and how the problem of childhood obesity is increasing at a worrying rate.  With approximately one third of…

Why Academy Schools are Seeking Expert Help with Managing Their Accounts

In recent years, Academy schools have become a key part of the educational landscape. In May 2010, when the coalition government came to power, there were just 203 Academies in England, but the…

How Special Education Teachers Can Incorporate Technology into the Classroom

The special education industry is quite a demanding marketplace. Not only are there the typical needs of educating young people that apply to any learning environment, there are also the compounding effects of…

Safeguarding Technology in the Classroom

With technology now an essential part of the learning process, how can schools protect themselves from expensive repair bills as a result of the inevitable classroom accidents? Technology is fast becoming an essential…

Schools sought to trial new approach to meals

An independent catering company is looking for primary schools to trial a new way of serving school meals that will involve one hub providing freshly made locally sourced food to order to a…

High Noon – Let’s make lunch time the highlight of the school day

Michael Gove’s bid to bring back the spirit of the O-Level with the English Baccalaureate Certificate could be replicated with school meals  (but maybe leaving out the tapioca). Just like the exam system…

Silent classroom killer? 75% of schools contain deadly asbestos says report

Schools might strive to be healthy, safe environments for students, but hidden asbestos could be putting the very lives of teachers and pupils at risk. New fears have surfaced over the safety of…

School Photocopier Rip-offs: Just the Tip of the Iceberg?

A recent investigation by BBC’s Panorama highlighted a widespread phenomenon of schools overpaying for ICT products by many times the worth of the equipment in question. The programme makers found 169 schools in…

The School Food Trust Is Irrelevant – So What’s Next?

The recent revelation that a third of academies are selling junk food comes as no surprise to those of us who have seen the pendulum swing back and forwards over the last few…

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