How to achieve ‘Outstanding’ stress levels – Ten Tips for School Leaders
Our esteemed leader from OFSTED hit the headlines last week when he dismissed the stress of 2012 as being ‘inadequate’ when compared to the standards of stress he endured back in the 70s…

Why Mr. Gove is Assured Success
I wrote a piece for SMT a few weeks ago on what I believed would be the likely impact of the new types of schools – academies and free schools – which are…

Paying or Praying – Do parents really need to go to such lengths to get a good education?
At a time when parents and carers are finding out which school their child has been allocated, recent press articles suggest that aspirational parents such as Andy Hamilton, to whom the quotation above…

Due respect – Why the Gov and Gove should show heads and teachers greater respect
With more than half of headteachers considering leaving the profession citing government policy and unfounded criticism, one former head urges those who remain to stand up for the respect they deserve. I gave up my second headship…

The Impact of New Types of School
The parents of a ten year old these days might be forgiven for becoming confused about the range of choices open to them for their offspring. My brother and his wife are two…

Keeping Faith – Safeguarding RE in Schools
As Headteacher of a Church of England Secondary School, I welcome the news that a group of cross-party MPs is forming a committee to safeguard the future of . After the disappointment of…
Postman Pa – Sir Michael Wilshaw’s father never had it so good!
COMMENT – In all the dreams I’ve had about school since I stopped working in one, I’ve never usually been the headteacher. This is a fact which, were I to go in for…