Growing Holes in Head Teachers’ Budgets



Time constraints is one of the many problems faced by Teachers and support staff alike, due to the increasing pressures on them to raise standards of pupil achievement, but with limited funds allocated perhaps for a permanent member of staff, this impacts on the resource available to teams to get the job done.

It may be that administrative staff are assisting the Head to undertake more complex jobs and have taken on more management responsibilities, which in turn makes it difficult to complete all of the tasks usually expected of them, or it may be an annual project that just needs an extra pair of hands in order to complete a labour-intensive job.

Whatever the reason may be, RP Business Support Solutions Ltd is a team of individuals with a background in secretarial and administrative support, including Executive Assistance.

I established RP Business Support Solutions Ltd in 2010 with the encouragement of a Director who I had previously been a PA to for some 12 years, until she sold the business. She made me realise the diverse skills I held that many small businesses and Consultants could benefit from. The past 8 years is now history as RP Business Support Solutions Ltd, has grown and consists of a proactive team who provide support to many Therapists, Consultants and Businesses across the UK either on a permanent or ad hoc basis.

From collating data, typing documents, producing reports/slide shows to designing leaflets, handouts and newsletters, the team is confident it can help.

Our trustworthy and friendly approach in conjunction with our desire to do a good job is behind our success.

Please contact us for more information

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