Outstanding Leaders Partnership to deliver new-look leadership qualifications from September

Outstanding Leaders Partnership (OLP) has been confirmed as a major provider of the new-look National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) by the Department for Education.

OLP – a national partnership of schools, teaching school alliances and multi-academy trusts managed and supported by Best Practice Network – will offer the full pathway of qualifications, which comprise the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NQPH), Middle Leadership (NPQML), Senior Leadership (NPQSL) and the new Executive Leadership qualification (NPQEL) from September 2017.

The qualifications will be delivered by highly experienced practising leaders across OLP, which after recent expansion now includes over 50 teaching school alliances and MATs – over 1,000 schools – from Manchester to Exeter in the south west, making it the biggest leadership development provider of its kind.

Best Practice Network – a provider of accredited training for leaders, teachers, support staff and governors in schools and early years settings – is leading the design and development of the refreshed suite of programmes, as well as facilitator training, management of all training events, candidate support and providing an online learning platform and online community for course participants.

Phil Haslett, business development director at Best Practice Network, said: “We’re delighted that OLP has been accredited by the Department for Education to deliver these qualifications.

“OLP is a great example of a sustainable, school-led leadership development model and is now the largest leadership qualification providers of its kind in the country. OLP has been delivering the NPQs for the past five years and the announcement that OLP will be delivering the new-look qualifications from September 2017 is a firm acknowledgement of the quality and effectiveness of OLP’s leadership development provision.”

He added: “OLP has a rich network of expertise including experienced headteachers and the University of Chester who are working with Best Practice Network on the design and content of these refreshed qualifications and the new NPQEL.

“These refreshed qualifications have been adapted to reflect the changing realities and demands of leadership at middle, senior and headship and executive leadership level and we believe that they will equip today’s generations of future and established leaders with the skills and insight they need to make a difference to their schools and the wider system.”

OLP has enjoyed remarkable success delivering the NPQ programmes. Over the past 12 months over 1,400 candidates have graduated from its NPQs – three times as many as the previous year. More than 3,500 school leaders from over 1,900 schools around the country have trained with OLP since the partnership was formed in 2012.

Tarun Kapur, CEO of OLP partner The Dean Trust multi-academy trust, said that the expansion of OLP and the announcement that it is to deliver the suite of new-look NPQs meant that OLP could step up its efforts to help schools around the country develop a pipeline of skilled leaders during a challenging time.

“The recruitment and development of teachers and leaders remains an issue around the country along with continuing budget pressures,” he said. “If we are to make sure enough people become heads and senior school leaders and have sustainable, enjoyable careers then it is vital that as many as possible get access to the very highest quality training and support, delivered at a scale that makes it good value for schools. An expanded OLP, offering the very latest leadership development qualifications through expert, practising school leaders, will be a highly effective way of doing that.”

He added: “We are keen to invite more teaching school alliances to join us so that we have an even greater opportunity to tackle the leadership challenge that every region faces, with OLP providing the professional expertise and Best Practice Network looking after the practical organisation, accreditation, online facilitation and quality assurance.”


About Outstanding Leaders Partnership

Outstanding Leaders Partnership (OLP) is a National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) accredited licensee offering National Professional Leadership and School Business Management Qualifications, led by Ashton on Mersey Teaching School – part of the Dean Trust MAT –  and Best Practice Network (BPN), a national organisation that specialises in leadership and other professional development training. www.outstandingleaders.org.

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