Hacked HVAC: The BMS that could close your school
Cyber attacks. They’re highly disruptive, can result in a loss of data and severely hamper the functioning of a school or university. Small wonder then that educational establishments go to significant lengths to…

Changing lives with Special iApps
Tablets and smartphones are a way of life for children in the second decade of the 21st Century – but how much screen time is healthy? As the debate continues about giving young…

Online Booking Software Can Help Support Schools To Conform with New Regulations
Caitlin Roxburgh | Booking Live | August 2015 Changes in government policy mean schools are now being encouraged to provide wraparound childcare both before and after school. As part of the government’s extended…

How Special Education Teachers Can Incorporate Technology into the Classroom
The special education industry is quite a demanding marketplace. Not only are there the typical needs of educating young people that apply to any learning environment, there are also the compounding effects of…
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